iHRIS Academy, 2013

The first annual iHRIS Academy, organized by Dr. Juma Lungo and hosted at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania on August 12-16, 2013, was conceived as a way for iHRIS implementers and developers to share field experiences as well as quick solutions to common problems.

The Academy exemplifies the kind of bootstrap community involvement and engagement that iHRIS is calling for as it retools its focus from creating iHRIS products to strengthening and supporting the growing iHRIS community.

“We realized, because of the growing demand among our computer science students to become iHRIS software developers, that there is an opportunity to reach many people,” said Dr. Lungo. Broadening and strengthening the community that supports iHRIS products is a key measure of success if iHRIS is to see universal and reliable healthcare become a reality.

Zalongwa Experts participated in the Academy,here their names
Bunto Mbozi
Anna Uswege
Nikumwitika James
Charles Bundu


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